I am Jack's Bleeding
Heart Nail.
I went for my Ingrown toenail operation today and ouch, it was really painful.
I always thought i was someone that could withstand alot of pain. I have stepped on nails (by accident), stapled my hand, removed a strip of skin from my finger with a knife, sprained both ankles, sprained a wrist, knocked my 2 front teeth out, smashed my nose against a ball till it bled ... but today, as i lay on the operating table, the doctor cut out my toenail, i swear i nearly fainted.
Let me digress by saying that i am no stranger to this surgery, because I have done it before when similarly due to the stresses of impacting a spherical rubber object across plains of grass, my toenails protested and grew into my flesh. I tahaned this pain for a good 2 months before i seeked help and till now i blame this for my poor A div performance. haha.
Today, the doctor started cutting me up when i could still feel the pain.
Me: That hurts, really. Is it supposed to hurt?
Doctor: I think what is meant here is discomfort; Local anaesthetic is like that. Try to bear with it.
Me: Oh god [moans]. This is really painful. I am grabbing myself there are fingernail marks all over my arms. Is it like that?
Nurse: Hang in there, it will be over.
It is after a few minutes of my incessant complaining where i think something snapped and:
Doc: Ok, I am going to give you another shot of painkillers.
The rest of the surgery proceeeded on pretty smoothly after that, but really I was scarred.
My toe hurts :(